Buying a new rig.

Fri, 08 Jul 2016 14:40:11 -0500

So after 8 years, I finally decided to buy a new desktop, I've been wanting to get around buying one for a while now but due to not having money or a single thing to my name I decided to wait until now.

The first thing I had to do was inform myself, I hadn't been up to date with computer parts since well 2008, and even then I have never been super involved in the topic. So the first thing I did was ask friends about it, and I found out there were generally two sides.

Now I think I'm somewhere in between, mainly because I want to be able to not need a major upgrade in at least a year. The reason behind this is because I'm in my last year of college, and I don't want to spend a huge amount of money until I graduate from college. This buy has to be able to work out for the remainder of my life in college.

Another important thing is that I plan to work on the game industry as a developer, so that means my computer has to be able to run the latest game engines.

So after collecting the thoughts of some of my friends, I decided to go for a new gen build, focused on having a really good processor.

Now, because of the fact that I'm going for new gen that means that some parts are gonna be costly even if they're the cheaper alternatives, my initial budget was of 1k, and I was willing to go over the budget because I'm not buying the whole thing at once. The current end result is this:

Today I'm buying the first parts of my new computer which will be the SSD, I can put it on my old rig while I get the rest of the parts so it's the best choice.

That's all for today, this is my first time blogging, so I hope the read wasn't obnoxious. I'll probably try and keep it slightly shorter next time

You can find the link to my future rig here