Hello World.

Thu, 07 Jul 2016 01:18:49 -0500

Hello world, this is my first blog post, although this is not meant to be read by many yet. This post will serve me as a template to exemplify all the things I can do. I can link stuff like google. I can also highlight something like so blog.noraesae.net <- btw this is the link of the amazing person that I learnt how to use DocPad from, and as you can see, at least for now, my layout will be pretty similar if not the same. (I'll try to change the theme as I learn sorry for the balant copy paste :( ill try to give you as much credit as possible).

Look at this other thing I can do

Yep I can use headers as well, this is part of the template I'm making for myself, it's weird because to highlight I need the upside down ''

$ sudo shell commands go here
$ sudo apt-get amazing

I can do more than just shell commands I can use the code to enumerate stuff as well.

Like so
  1.    yay
  2.    yay
  3.    yay

italic works like this this is bold

I can also make it so that when something I write in "code" is really long it will have a slider, and it does it automatically.

That is not all, I can also specify which language I want to use

$ docpad install jade
// index.html.jade
doctype html
    title My Blog
    h1 My Blog
  var iCan = "even do this"
  var modifycss = function(){
    console.log("I can probably even change colors of the code if i modify css");

Useful link for all this: Markdown

That's all folks

My first Blog is probably not what anyone would expect, but It's gonna be useful as a template, I'll probably deprecate this post pretty fast anyway